Results for 'James L. Schwar'

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  1.  30
    In the spirit of the law: An ethical alternative to the fairness doctrine.James L. Schwar - 1995 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 10 (2):83 – 94.
    The Fairness Doctrine violated a Constitutional provision for a free press and it failed to guarantee public access to publicly owned broadcast airwaves, as was its intent. The regulation was eliminated in 1987, restoring 1 important free press element to America's broadcast newsrooms. However, public access since deregulation has further deteriorated, while other standards of ethical journalism appear to have been abandoned for higher profits. These factors have renewed the call for re-regulation. This article presents an alternative model in the (...)
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    Radical Fragments.James L. Marsh - 1992 - Peter Lang.
    This book is a philosophical-literary reflection on the condition of the possibility of radical intellectual life, art, culture, politics, and religion in the contemporary United States. The standpoint assumed and defended in this reflection is that of critical modernism, a principled commitment to a radical leftist version of modern, western rationality. In this book of fragments such rationality emerges, after encounters with liberalism, conservatism, and postmodernism, as the preferable form of rationality.
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    An interactive activation model of context effects in letter perception: I. An account of basic findings.James L. McClelland & David E. Rumelhart - 1981 - Psychological Review 88 (5):375-407.
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    Una aproximación conexionista a los procesos mentales. Entrevista con James L. McClelland.Belén Pascual & James L. McClelland - 2005 - Anuario Filosófico 38 (3):841-855.
    In this interview, James L. McClelland responds to questions regarding connectionist models of cognition, a theory inspired by information processing in the brain. McClelland explains the distinction between symbolic and non-symbolic processing for a better understanding of mental processes. He argues that connectionist models can perform the computations which we know the brain can perform. In addition, he responds to several general questions on the perspectives of computational models of cognition.
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    Aligning the Criterion and Tests for Brain Death.James L. Bernat & Anne L. Dalle Ave - 2019 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 28 (4):635-641.
    Abstract:Disturbing cases continue to be published of patients declared brain dead who later were found to have a few intact brain functions. We address the reasons for the mismatch between the whole-brain criterion and brain death tests, and suggest solutions. Many of the cases result from diagnostic errors in brain death determination. Others probably result from a tiny amount of residual blood flow to the brain despite intracranial circulatory arrest. Strategies to lessen the mismatch include improving brain death determination training (...)
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    On the time relations of mental processes: An examination of systems of processes in cascade.James L. McClelland - 1979 - Psychological Review 86 (4):287-330.
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    Familiarity breeds differentiation: A subjective-likelihood approach to the effects of experience in recognition memory.James L. McClelland & Mark Chappell - 1998 - Psychological Review 105 (4):724-760.
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    A Conceptual Justification for Brain Death.James L. Bernat - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (S4):19-21.
    Among the old and new controversies over brain death, none is more fundamental than whether brain death is equivalent to the biological phenomenon of human death. Here, I defend this equivalency by offering a brief conceptual justification for this view of brain death, a subject that Andrew Huang and I recently analyzed elsewhere in greater detail. My defense of the concept of brain death has evolved since Bernard Gert, Charles Culver, and I first addressed it in 1981, a development that (...)
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    James' Defense of a Believing Attitude in Religion.James L. Muyskens - 1974 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 10 (1):44 - 54.
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    The sufficiency of hope: the conceptual foundations of religion.James L. Muyskens - 1979 - Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
  11. Contemplating the Beautiful: The Practical Importance of Theoretical Excellence in Aristotle’s Ethics.James L. Wood - 2011 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 49 (4):391-412.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Contemplating the Beautiful: The Practical Importance of Theoretical Excellence in Aristotle’s EthicsJames L. Wood (bio)Aristotle, unlike plato, famously distinguishes φρόνησις from, practical from theoretical wisdom, in Book VI of the Nicomachean Ethics. He distinguishes them on the basis of both their objects and their psychic spheres: is the excellence or virtue (ἀρετή) of the scientific faculty, τὸ ἐπιστημονικόν, “by which we contemplate [θεωρου̑μεν] the sort of beings whose principles (...)
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  12. Old Testament Wisdom: An Introduction.James L. Crenshaw - 1981
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  13. Quantum theoretical concepts of measurement: Part I.James L. Park - 1968 - Philosophy of Science 35 (3):205-231.
    The overall purpose of this paper is to clarify the physical meaning and epistemological status of the term 'measurement' as used in quantum theory. After a review of the essential logical structure of quantum physics, Part I presents interpretive discussions contrasting the quantal concepts observable and ensemble with their classical ancestors along the lines of Margenau's latency theory. Against this background various popular ideas concerning the nature of quantum measurement are critically surveyed. The analysis reveals that, in addition to internal (...)
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    Timing volition: Questions of what and when about W.James L. Ringo - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (4):550-551.
  15.  18
    Computational approaches to color constancy: Adaptive and ontogenetic considerations.James L. Dannemiller - 1989 - Psychological Review 96 (2):255-266.
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    Meaning as Concept and Extension: Some Problems.James L. Battersby & James Phelan - 1986 - Critical Inquiry 12 (3):605-615.
    Hirsch’s revision results from his attempt to think through the difficult question that underlies the whole essay: How does the movement of time and circumstance affect the stability of meaning? The first part of his answer is that the relation between original meaning and subsequent understanding or applications of that meaning is analogous to the relation between a concept and its extension. For example, if he reads Shakespeare’s sonnet 55 and applies it to his beloved, and one of us reads (...)
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    Externalist epistemologies, reliability, and the context relativity of knowledge.James L. White - 1989 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 27 (3):459-472.
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    The Philosophical Justification for the Equant in Ptolemy’s Almagest.James L. Zainaldin - 2017 - Phronesis 62 (4):417-442.
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    Is There an Archê Kakou in Plato?James L. Wood - 2009 - Review of Metaphysics 63 (2):349-384.
  20.  33
    A Semantic Profile of Early Sanskrit “buddhi”.James L. Fitzgerald - 2017 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 45 (4):669-709.
    The word buddhi is an important term of Indian philosophical discourse, but some aspects of its use have caused confusion and continue to occasion difficulties. This paper undertakes a survey of the usage of the word buddhi in general Sanskrit literature from its earliest late Vedic occurrences up to the middle of the first millennium CE. Signifying fundamentally “awareness,” the word “buddhi” is shown to refer often to a being’s persisting capacity or faculty of awareness and also, often, to the (...)
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    A Revised Consent Model for the Transplantation of Face and Upper Limbs: Covenant Consent.James L. Benedict - 2017 - Springer Verlag.
    This book supports the emerging field of vascularized composite allotransplantation for face and upper-limb transplants by providing a revised, ethically appropriate consent model which takes into account what is actually required of facial and upper extremity transplant recipients. In place of consent as permission-giving, waiver, or autonomous authorization, this book imagines consent as an ongoing mutual commitment, i.e. as covenant consent. The covenant consent model highlights the need for a durable personal relationship between the patient/subject and the care provider/researcher. Such (...)
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  22.  50
    A Time to Tear down and a Time to Build up: A Rereading of Ecclesiastes.James L. Crenshaw & Michael V. Fox - 2001 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (2):288.
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    Communicative Praxis and the Space of Subjectivity, by Calvin O. Schrag.James L. Marsh - 1989 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 20 (2):180-182.
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    The Many Voices of the MahabharataRethinking the Mahabharata: A Reader's Guide to the Education of the Dharma King.James L. Fitzgerald & Alf Hiltebeitel - 2003 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 123 (4):803.
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  25. Knowledge and deductive closure.James L. White - 1991 - Synthese 86 (3):409 - 423.
    The question whether epistemological concepts are closed under deduction is an important one since many skeptical arguments depend on closure. Such skepticism can be avoided if closure is not true of knowledge (or justification). This response to skepticism is rejected by Peter Klein and others. Klein argues that closure is true, and that far from providing the skeptic with a powerful weapon for undermining our knowledge, it provides a tool for attacking the skeptic directly. This paper examines various arguments in (...)
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    Dialectical Phenomenology as Critical Social Theory.James L. Marsh - 1985 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 16 (2):177-193.
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    Marsh's response to Rasmussen.James L. Marsh - 2003 - Continental Philosophy Review 36 (2):220-223.
  28.  25
    Objectivity, Alienation, and Reflection.James L. Marsh - 1982 - International Philosophical Quarterly 22 (3):131-139.
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  29. The Arcades Project (Book Review).James L. Marsh - 2001 - Science and Society 65 (2):243.
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    Presumptions of Scientific Knowledge in the Evolution of Ethical Policies for Nascent Individuals.James L. Sherley - 2012 - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 3 (4):195-208.
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    Process, Praxis, and Transcendence.James L. Marsh - 1999 - State University of New York Press.
    Presents a North American philosophy of liberation that defends both metaphysics and philosophy of religion, and acts as a critique of neo-imperialism.
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  32. Ecclesiastes: A Commentary.James L. Crenshaw - 1987
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  33. Nurses' collective responsibility and the strike weapon.James L. Muyskens - 1982 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 7 (1):101-112.
    Among the collective as well as individual responsibilities of nurses as professionals is that of maintaining and improving the quality of nursing care. In exchange for monopoly status and professional authority to control nursing practice, the profession is charged with the responsibility of meeting the nursing care needs of the community. If one claims, as I do, that one of the collective responsibilities of nurses is maintenance of high nursing standards, we must examine what action is required of nurses who (...)
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  34. (5 other versions)Psalms.James L. Mays - 1994
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    Double dissociations never license simple inferences about underlying brain organization, especially in developmental cases.James L. McClelland & Gary Lupyan - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (6):763-764.
    Different developmental anomalies produce contrasting deficits in a single, integrated system. In a network that inflects regular and exception verbs correctly, a disproportionate deficit with exceptions occurs if connections are deleted, whereas a disproportionate deficit with regulars occurs when an auditory deficit impairs perception of the regular inflection. In general, contrasting deficits do not license the inference of underlying modularity.
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  36. Quantum theoretical concepts of measurement: Part II.James L. Park - 1968 - Philosophy of Science 35 (4):389-411.
    This portion of the essay concludes a two-part paper, Part I of which appeared in an earlier issue of this Journal. Part II begins with a careful study of the quantum description of real experiments in order to motivate a proposal that two distinct quantum theoretical measurement constructs should be recognized, both of which must be distinguished from the concept of preparation. The different epistemological roles of these concepts are compared and explained. It is then concluded that the only possible (...)
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    Teaching Economics: More Alternatives to Chalk and Talk.James L. Jackson - 2008 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 44 (2):176-181.
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    Aesthetic Types? A Dialogue.James L. Jarrett - 1976 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 10 (3/4):183.
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    Countering Alienation.James L. Jarrett - 1972 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 6 (1/2):179.
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    Why there are complementary learning systems in the hippocampus and neocortex: Insights from the successes and failures of connectionist models of learning and memory.James L. McClelland, Bruce L. McNaughton & Randall C. O'Reilly - 1995 - Psychological Review 102 (3):419-457.
  41.  9
    Water supply: Policies and planning programs.James L. Welsh - 1977 - In Vincent Stuart, Order. [New York]: Random House.
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  42.  51
    Freedom in the Philebus.James L. Wood - 2007 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 81:205-216.
    This paper explores a possible Platonic grounding of human freedom in the Philebus. The Philebus presents a particularly intruiging account of the humangood and freedom alike in terms of the right relation of nous and pleasure. Through a close analysis of key passages in this dialogue I show how Plato conceives of freedom in terms of the intellect’s ordering and directing of desire and pleasure to genuinely fulfilling ends. The greatest fulfillment of desire comes together with the purest pleasure in (...)
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  43. Thermodynamic aspects of Schrödinger's probability relations.James L. Park - 1988 - Foundations of Physics 18 (2):225-244.
    Using Schrödinger's generalized probability relations of quantum mechanics, it is possible to generate a canonical ensemble, the ensemble normally associated with thermodynamic equilibrium, by at least two methods, statistical mixing and subensemble selection, that do not involve thermodynamic equilibration. Thus the question arises as to whether an observer making measurements upon systems from a canonical ensemble can determine whether the systems were prepared by mixing, equilibration, or selection. Investigation of this issue exposes antinomies in quantum statistical thermodynamics. It is conjectured (...)
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    Loving the World Appropriately: Persuasion and the Transformation of Subjectivity.James L. Kastely - 2022 - University of Chicago Press.
    A revolutionary approach to rhetoric that asks why audiences need persuading. What is persuasion? For some, it is the ideal alternative to violence. For others, persuasion is simply a neutral instrumentality—a valued source of soft power. Both positions rest on a fundamental belief: persuasion is a power that resides in a speaker acting on an audience. Loving the World Appropriately asks a different, more fundamental, question: why does an audience need persuasion? In shifting our focus, James Kastely delivers a (...)
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    The kinetics of mammalian gene expression.James L. Hargrove, Martin G. Hulsey & Elmus G. Beale - 1991 - Bioessays 13 (12):667-674.
    When rates of transcription from specific genes change, delays of variable length intervene before the corresponding mRNAs and proteins attain new levels. For most mammalian genes, the time required to complete transcription, processing, and transport of mRNA is much shorter than the period needed to achieve a new, steady‐state level of protein. Studies of inducible genes have shown that the period required to attain new levels of individual mRNAs and proteins is related to their unique half‐lives. The basis for this (...)
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    The Narrated Self: Life Stories in Process.James L. Peacock & Dorothy C. Holland - 1993 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 21 (4):367-383.
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    The Mystical Element in Heidegger's Thought.James L. Marsh - 1980 - Modern Schoolman 58 (1):53-55.
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    The Post-Modern Interpretation of History: A Phenomenological-Hermeneutical Critique.James L. Marsh - 1988 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 19 (2):112-127.
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    The Religious Significance of Habermas.James L. Marsh - 1993 - Faith and Philosophy 10 (4):521-538.
  50. The Ladder of Jacob: Ancient Interpretations of the Biblical Story of Jacob and His Children.James L. Kugel - 2006
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